Forbidden Sails

 The crew of the Vyzeen Breeze were a treacherous and vile lot of scum and villany. They had sailed the skies between worlds, taken slaves from the vast berth of time and space, and secreted away bountiful booty from here to eternity, but even all their vast exploits would not prepare them for the storms of chaos that battered their decks in the wake of a rupture of the fabric of exsistence. Deep in the belly of the Breeze, a small band of slaves remain the only passengers unscathed. They come from different worlds and different times, and to simply survive they must first find their way free of captivity. A woman of science & reason, a man of inspiration & intuition , a creature of metal & magic, 3 monstrous brothers of born brutal blood, a soldier, a child, and a fallen godling will have to begin by learning to communicate one with another if they are to discover the secrets of the Vyzeen Breeze and navigate their way home on forbidden sails.

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