About Me

The Author

Hi! I'm Steve Chambers. You might remember me from from such non-existent fictitious infographics as Sinking Forward: How to Achieve Corporate Success Through Mediocrity or What's Knot to Like? A Thrillseekers Guide to Personal Imprisonment for Fun & Profit but I'm here today to tell you a little bit about myself. I'm a completely unpublished amateur writer, with no agent or editor, & no professional experience in the medium, making a feeble attempt to jump on the blogwagon while simultaneously exorcising the many demons lurking in the recesses of my imagination.
I've been a geek, gamer, and chef (for more on the chef bit, slip on over and check out Playing with Food) for many, many moons. Strangely, a great confluence of those three elements landed me a brief position with White Wolf Publishing as their in house chef, and during that time I met a number of inspirational individuals with whom I remain friends to this day. Now, thanks to influences from my time as a part of that creative environment, I'm here writing for all (3 or 4) of you.
I currently reside outside of Atlanta, GA stumbling through life, the universe, and everything with the love & support of my wife, two kids, three cats, a dog, a turtle, and my brother from another mother.

Policies (Entirely Stolen from a Friend)

I own everything that I post here (unless I explicitly mention that I don’t). It’s okay to post links to pages and posts on the site, but please don’t copy or quote anything from the site without explicit permission from me in advance. I’m usually okay with giving permission, so feel free to ask, but do not assume. Also, because I’m friends with a lot of people who are writers, game designers, and video game creators, don’t expect unbiased opinions. In fact, it’s best to assume that I’m utterly biased, and any unbiased comments that might result are largely due to coincidence or drink.
If you don’t like what you’re reading, I encourage you to stop. My thoughts are just my opinions, not fact. If you are concerned about something, ask. Basically, don’t be a dick.

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